Therapy & Healing

Attachment Theory and Our Alarm System – Part II – The Beginning of Healing

Following on the topic of my previous article, we will continue to explore how the activation of what I have called our “Alarm System” (or Security, Attachment or Defense Systems, terms that I will use interchangeably) leads to the development of symptoms such as physical pain and undesirable emotional or psychological reactions, and the degradation of our quality of life – in fact, I think it IS the cause of ALL of our symptoms!

We will also begin to explore how to heal this attachment system, and how this healing leads to the softening and dissolution of symptoms, and to a very significant improvement in our quality of life. It’s a bit of work…but it is doable and definitely desireable.

The Origins of Pain

As you certainly know, and as I have documented (although not as much as I could), this bioenergetic therapy apparently “magical” or “mysterious” that I practice achieves systematic and consistent relief from the most varied physical (muscular and organic) dysfunctions, as well as emotional and psychological disorders, regardless of who seeks me, or the nature of their complaints. In other words, in each session, and through the parade of very diverse people who come to me, the phenomenon is always the same: in 99% of cases the client leaves a session with me substantially or completely relieved from the pain or emotional/nervous complaints that he or she indicated in the beginning of the session. I don’t know of any other therapy (that I’ve studied or tried – and I wish it existed!) that achieves the same results, with the same consistency, universality, effectiveness and replicability. That is why I call this a Science and a (Human) Engineering in the true sense of the word.

But how is this possible? How can the same seemingly unfathomable technique, treat symptoms as diverse as organic illnesses, anger, depression or musculoskeletal pain with the same effectiveness and depth? The reason is simple: because it deals with “something” (i.e. the system) in the human organism that controls and determines all of its reactions, no matter if it is pain in the left big toe, shortness of breath, a nervous tightness in the chest or in the throat, or a bad relationship with a family member or a spouse. The therapy deals directly with the system responsible for this activation and the inflammation of pain and discomfort in the human body and mind.

And what system is this? You can already guess I believe! Yes, it is the Alarm or Security or Attachment System, which is part of our “Central Computer” int he body-mind so to speak, which is what controls the entire organism: physiology, emotions, and so-called automatic mental and physical processes.

Our Central Computer

If you follow my work, you already know what I mean by this “system which controls all other systems”. Maybe you’ve already read about this “central computer” (as I called it) in my book, or read about it in part in the First Part of this article. Basically this “defense system” monitors and reacts to our sense of security or protection: if we feel safe, protected, “seen”, in control – in short, if we feel that our survival is guaranteed -, then the system is calm and deactivated, and the organism (mind and body) works like a charm. If, on the other hand, our survival is felt, by this system, to be threatened in some way, then everything changes. A cascade of sensations and reactions are activated (stress), making us feel “on edge”, insecure, feeling that something is wrong, trembling or even angry/reactive. We become emotionally unstable and react to the smallest trigger often (and without knowing why), and then (if this state of tension is not treated) all kinds of physical and emotional symptoms may develop further, from dizziness to physical tightness or strong emotions. All of this is the result of the activation of the Security System.


How, then, do we deactivate this Security System? This is the fundamental question, isn’t it? If the Source of all our problems, as I am postulating here and believe, is this Alarm System, which “goes off” as soon as we feel in any way unsafe or threatened (whether we are fully aware of it or not), then it would be great to know how to deactivate it – or not have it permanently active – so that we stop having these problems, correct?

Well, first I would like to emphasize that, in today’s conventional thinking, it is very uncommon to even consider the idea that a disease or physical dysfunction may have its origins in emotional or nervous disturbances (which lead to the activation of the Alarm System), but in fact this is precisely what I encounter, over and over again, every day, in my office. After treating hundreds of cases effectively over more than 10 years, I have no doubt: it is the stress or nervous tension that the body (and mind) is in (a person’s “life problems”, so to speak) that cause all the symptoms that my clients complain about, be they physical or non-physical. This is so because we can clearly see that, as soon as we effectively “calm down” or deactivate the alerted and tense alarm system, the symptoms disappear naturally, “as if by magic”. This is quite fantastic, and unbelievable in today’s conventional approach. We usually believe we need years of arduous conventional treatment to get ANY relief for symptoms, and this therapy can get them much more quickly and effortlessly for clients. So this is the reality, and I am pretty sure that it will be accepted as the most obvious truth eventually, as we evolve more and more in our knowledge.

What causes the activation of the alarm system, and the maintenance of a state of tension and stress in the body (which then leads to symptoms and illnesses) is, in essence, a perception of threat to the survival and maintenance of the body.

But it is one thing to have the advantage of being able to receive these treatments, where years and years of heavy layers of nervous and emotional tensions are quickly dissolved from the body with BIT’s super-advanced, non-invasive and revolutionary methods and quite another to do it on our own. How then, if we don’t have access to these therapies – as the vast majority of us don’t – can we help ourselves in this regard? What can we do to calm or resolve the exacerbated activation of an inflamed and reactive alarm system, so that we can live a more peaceful and symptom-free a life as possible?

Learning To Give Security To Ourselves

First of all we will need to understand, as clearly as possible, how our Alarm System works, and how it causes problems in our bodies and minds (which is what we are doing here, reading these texts). As it is a profound paradigm shift (understanding that physical symptoms are caused by emotional problems is a challenge for many people), we have to spend some time thinking about the subject, internalizing it and verifying the reality of it for ourselves. Then it is easier to apply these ideas. If we understand what is happening, we have more control over it.

Now, if the alarm system goes off in response to the perception of danger or insecurity, the solution is to once again cultivate the sensation or perception, in our system, of security and non-danger.

The more and better we can do this, the more the “thermostat” of the alarm system (the one that “triggers” when the “temperature” of danger perception rises) will lower, and it will be activated less and less frequently, and less intensely. We will know that we are on the right path if we begin to feel gradually calmer, with more energy (as the activated alarm system “steals” from us all the vital energy of the body by placing the body and mind in a permanent state of tension and alertness), and enjoying life more naturally. That’s what my patients report, and it’s quite fantastic to see. But it has to be experienced and put into practice by each one of us to verify that this is in fact the case in our reality.

A Shift in Mindset

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Again, we have to understand very well how our Alarm System works, how it causes pain and automatic strong emotional reactions in our body and mind, so that we can then “re-teach” it to be less activated. For this reason, I intend to continue writing to clarify these and other aspects of the functioning of our “machine”, because the more we understand it, the faster the “click” of insight will occur that will make us motivated enough to apply this knowledge. This is because, depending on the state of each person’s system, it may be a more or less difficult task to retrain the alarm system. Some people may even improve very quickly with a few small adjustments and understandings, while for others – which is perhaps the majority of suffering patients – it can be a hard task, which will require some work, focus, awareness and dedication (especially in the beginning).

But the essence is this: we can certainly go from having a routinely activated alarm system, which goes off at the smallest of percieved threats, which is anxious and stressed and full of symptoms and weaknesses, to a calm, confident, serene system, and therefore much less reactive, more “in a good mood” and at peace, and without the “inflammations” of pains and symptoms. We do this by learning to live more and more as a secure rather than an insecure person (understanding what this means in terms of Attachment Theory helps here), accepting and realizing that our life and well-being ultimately depend solely on ourselves, that any negative reaction within us is the so-called “inner child” “complaining” (the wounds of the anxious or injured attachment system becoming active). We need to learn to act and be in life in a way that “counters” these emotional and automatic reactions of the attachment system, thus re-teaching it, through our own actions, choices, and internal attitudes, that everything is fine and under control, showing it, by example, that the wounds of the past have really passed, that I am now an adult and I can take care of myself. That I can survive on my own, and that I can thus give myself all the security that my body needs. This is, of course, a transformation.

Once again, I can show this to myself through my actions and inner attitude. It’s a new mentality, a different way of living and acting, with maturity and self-responsibility, standing on our own two feet so to speak. Yes, the system will still activate still (a lot or a little, depending on the depth of wounds we have), but the healing is through conquering this sense of inner security. Quickly or slowly, but surely, the system will realize that we are here for it, that we know how to take care of it, that we know how to stand on our own two feet, and then it calms down naturally. As thsi system is ALWAYS monitoring everything that happens inside and outside us, by feeling how we act calmly and without fear it begins to realize that we are not panicking, that we survive situations and remain calm, and this calms it down. It is this dynamic, the cultivation of this independence or emotional maturity, so to speak, that makes all the difference in the world, in our health, well-being, and quality of life at all levels.

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