Imagine a woman came into your office complaining of pain on her lower back, hip and left thigh (…or on a knee, or on the back, on the neck, head, arm, or tightness on the chest, or suffering from depression, or mourning, or some other trauma, etc., – all cases I get). This lady’s story goes something like this: she has had this pain for some months or years. It started with an occasional backache. Her shoulders and neck also hurt every now and then, but the pain in her back was always worse. Still, 6 months ago, this low back pain got worse, and it started to “spread”: the left hip started to hurt, as well as down her leg, creating pain whenever she was standing or walking. She thus tires very easily, and can’t stand for long, not to mention walking a long distance.
In the past 6 months, in desperation, she has tried everything. She went to the doctor, an osteopath and other specialists. They prescribed exams to the spine. These showed two hernias in the lower back. The pain comes from these issues, was the diagnosis. She took the prescribed medications but the pain did not pass; she did several physical therapy sessions but they did not help; she went for massage and acupuncture but nothing seemed to work. An operation to the spine seemed to be the only option available, one that she would prefer to avoid. And that’s when she, desperate, has heard of me and decides to enter my office, having heard of other “miracles”.
At the start of the session I ask where it hurts, when the problem started, etc. We assessed the intensity and location of the pain: it is there even sitting, but walking hurts more, particularly in the back, and walking or bending over hurts even more (the back and leg in particular). She is 70 years old. “It’s normal as age progresses,” say the specialists, family, and friends. It’s not normal, nor is it due to age, as my experience has clearly demonstrated … but this is a topic for another blog.
Having identified the symptoms and what triggers them, I begin my work. I mentally and energetically focus on the pain with my methods, trying to release all the tensions (nervous or energetic, which is the same) that are causing the chronic contractions of the muscles, which lead to the ever-present pains and distortions. I feel some relief. I continue until I am satisfied that there was indeed considerable relief in the body, and in the areas to be treated. Then I ask her: how do you feel now? Could you get up and see? A typical reaction ensues: “Well, it feels better!” she says, truly astonished. “Is it different?” I ask. “Yes, it no longer hurts so much.” I ask her to test it thoroughly, to walk and to bend over to see. “Yes, that’s better,” “there’s only a little bit left here when I make this particular move.” “Great,” I said, “let’s go on then and get that little bit sorted out as well.”
Not bad for 5-10 minute of energetic work, which didn’t hurt at all! Usually people do not feel these reliefs so quickly and so simply in any other therapy, and certainly not in the first few minutes, and in such a fantastic way – without touch, dialogue or manipulation of any kind. That’s why they are amazed.
I then repeat the same process for the rest of the minor complaints that she still has, always testing throughout the process. At the end of the session she is clearly relieved. “I feel lighter, yes.” Not only did we completely get rid of her back, hip and leg pain, but also her shoulder and neck pain. She feels ok. I ask her to test it thoroughly to be sure. “No, it doesn’t hurt now.” I explain that this result may be permanent, but it may also take a few more sessions to remove any remaining tensions. It’s like tuning an engine: all gears have to be unstuck and aligned, and some may not have completely “snapped into place” yet, and so some remaining pain may still manifest. Only daily life will tell. So I ask her to be back in a few weeks to check how it goes. Usually, in a second session, people are much better of their pains. Some specific pain never came back for example, but there may still be some knots to untie. The depth of the relief achieved at the end of a second session is equivalent to the one achieved in the first, so the problem hurts less and less. The benefits accumulate with each treatment, until there is nothing left. Usually everything is resolved between 1 and 5 sessions, and the relief is permanent – people get better and more robust for life.
This concrete example is typical of the cases I receive, and it looks like a “miracle” or “magic”, especially in the way pain relief was achieved. But it is not. “Miracle” is the name we give to a natural phenomenon for which we simply have no explanation at the time we witness it. Me, by contrast, have an objective, logical and concrete explanation for this, because I have been studying and practicing it for many years, and in a deep way. So I know it is not a miracle – it is having the right knowledge, and knowing how to apply it. It is clearly a science and an art at the same time. Just like an Engineering: if we know how it works, we have reliable and consistent results.
As I said, the case reported above is typical. It is rare for a person not to be relieved. True, I also have cases that do not seem to respond very well to this treatment, but fortunately they are rare – some 10%, I would say, of those who do not show any apparent relief. It is also true that it often takes a few sessions to completely resolve a symptom, or other underlying and previously hidden symptoms may appear in the meantime – so-called “layers”. It is a holistic, deep and thorough treatment that not only treats symptoms but rejuvenates the whole body – like oiling and tuning the organism’s internal motor, as I mentioned.
On the other hand, several complicated cases I dealt with – such as depressions, trauma, chronic or acute pain – were in fact relieved completely in a single session. It has happened several times, and even to me it is still surprising at times how fast and effective these methods can be. What seems to escape people is that this is a specific and concrete process, and that the results do not come about “miraculously”, but rather by definite, consistent, replicable and predictable work, which are qualities of a science and an engineering. Overall, in a concrete, sequential, cumulative, and secure way, the problem is lastingly resolved – permanently even. The person will never be the same again. In other words, the person has, in some sessions, got rid of a load of stresses and a load that have been accumulating over a lifetime, and so she or he can finally be free and happy again. This is the power of this therapy, and this is what my patients report to me.
Keeping an Open Mind
Why do I describe this? Because it amazes me that we, as a society, do not study these incredible possibilities more than we do. It really amazes me that, over the years, not more people, enthusiastic with these possibilities, came to me wanting to know more, learn, study and spread the word. It is true that I live in a small town, and what most people want is to get well and move forward. Maybe in a big city – or in another country – it would be different. Either way, it seems to me that there is always some fear, ignorance or resistance around these issues, and I don’t quite understand why.
There may be several reasons for this, I believe. Some of this resistance I even can understand. After all, there have always been quacks and people saying they do what they do not do. There always have and always will be.
But: what if someone really does what it seems he or she is doing? What if, instead of clinging to old dogmas (which is easier), we keep an open mind and sincerely try to learn more, and really see whether or not what is really said is true or not? We can – and should – be critical, but at the same time remain open to hitherto “impossible” phenomena, which is much more productive, because only in this way does our society advances. On the other hand, I see a lot of formed opinions and easy judgments, and little openness to really learn new things.
In my case, it was precisely through this openness – while maintaining a critical, scientific and objective analysis – that I came to this level of understanding and practical application, and I know that anyone sincerely engaged in learning will do the same (I dream of a world where there are skilled Bioenergetic and Informational Therapists in every corner and in every family!). These are natural, universal processes that are part of human nature – so why cover the sunlight with a sieve? Even more because these are so useful for people’s lives… Can you imagine how many lives these therapies have changed already? Hundreds! Sometimes I meet patients I haven’t seen in years who are always happy to see me, telling me, delighted, how their lives have changed completely since our work together. They are completely different! And everything has changed for the better in their lives too! And often it was just one session or two! (intense but good ones :)). Just today I got a call like this.
Perception Filters
Humans have certain thinking biases (or automatic unconscious filters) that make them ignore certain information automatically. This is studied. For example, there is a natural so-called Confirmation Bias in humans, where we normally and compulsively close ourselves to any information that contradicts our deepest and most unconscious beliefs. Try telling a staunch fan of a soccer team, for example, that their rival is better! The reaction you will see is the Confirmation Bias in action. We all suffer from this to varying degrees, there is no exception.
Besides that, all knowledge that passes beyond our radar of perception and understanding is simply ignored or scorned by our mind, leading to an “oh, that’s nonsense! I don’t believe in those things”. It is information that simply is not assimilated by our brain, which it cannot discern because it rests completely outside its standards and frames of reference. It does not fit. These are ingrained and automatic mechanisms of the human mind, and it takes a degree of “thinking outside the box” to really see them.
Certain cultural trends also do not help, as they encourage distrust and fear. There were centuries of misinformation, oppression and fear. As I usually say, in many ways we still live with a mentality of the middle ages. The human mind has not changed that much in some respects. I must have come from another galaxy, or maybe from the future! 🙂 This is because when I saw someone demonstrate these same fantastic methods of relief from suffering, I did not reject them at face value, but wanted to know more, much more, so I studied, practiced and learned. And I found that I could also perform the same “miracles.” What else is there hidden in the possibilities of the universe?
Hidden Talents
Have you tried this already? What hidden talents may you have that you do not know? You will only know if you try, won’t you? My “madness” lies perhaps in trying what nobody believed was possible, and finding out that it really was. Something in me said there was something real about it, and I wanted to try to see if it was true. How many surprises then does your own heart knows within yourself that are waiting for you, and do you not know your deepest gifts and skills simply because you are afraid to try?
It reminds me of a television ad I saw many years ago: a group of friends were playing darts in a bar. One of them shoots with such precision that the dart dropped incredibly close to the center of the target. Only a miracle could bring the next dart closer. So, his opponent shrugs his shoulders and seems to give up, desolate, and everyone hugged the winner and headed away toward the bar. The discouraged rival still throws his last dart, in any case. Amazingly the miracle really does happen – it lands right in the center of the target! Incredulous and happy, he looks around to see the reaction of the people, but no one was watching anymore, as everyone followed the winner to the bar, cheering. The final motto of this ad (for a beer, I think!) was something like this: true miracles do happen, but they go unnoticed, or few realize them.
But believe me, apparent “miracles” (i.e. new and unfathomable possibilities) exist and are possible, and they are happening all the time. We just don’t give them the proper attention. However, it is by dreaming and experiencing something never before experienced that the world advances. In particular, and in my area of expertise, there is an impressive technology for relieving physical, emotional and psychological symptoms quickly and effectively. After all, we are already in the 21st Century: if everything has advanced so much in so many ways, why is it not the same with the relief of pain and suffering?
In fact, these possibilities are not mystical and mysterious “miracles” – they are natural phenomena that are just waiting to be discovered, just as cell phone communication, television, airplanes and the like were just waiting to be discovered. More and better is indeed possible, and I’ve proved it hundreds, if not thousands of times. It is here for those who want to observe and learn. It is nothing dark or mysterious; it just needs to be understood. I explain it all as best I can in my book to anyone who wants to hear. Not only do I explain how this “Bioenergy and Information Healing business” works, but also explain the internal mechanisms that actually lead us to suffering (hint: it is not what we think it is) – to help us really stop suffering quickly, naturally and effectively. It’s just a different culture.