Therapy & Healing

Attachment Theory and Our Alarm System – Part II – The Beginning of Healing

Following on the topic of my previous article, we will continue to explore how the activation of what I have called our “Alarm System” (or Security, Attachment or Defense Systems, terms that I will use interchangeably) leads to the development of symptoms such as physical pain and undesirable emotional or psychological reactions, and the degradation […]

Anxiety & Stress Self-Help & Self-Development Therapy & Healing

Attachment Theory and Our Alarm System – Part I – Introduction

Hello! I know I haven’t written a blog post in a long time, but I’ve been busier with research and treating my patients. But I haven’t been standing still. I continue to investigate and develop my understanding of the human condition and causes for human suffering, and how we can heal ourselves and each other. […]

Science Therapy & Healing

Telepathy Is Well Established by Science – So Why Don’t We Recognize Or Discuss It?

Yes, it’s true: Telepathy – or Mental Influence at a Distance – Has Been Well Established by Science. Just because it isn’t talked about or seen in the news or newspapers doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There are certain topics that are still “taboo”, and that make most people frown, despite being well established by […]

Cases & Testimonials

How An Eczema Is Erased And What It Teaches Us About The Mind-Body Relationship

As I mentioned in my last post, I would like to write more about my experience with the BIT therapies, what they can do, and how much they can teach us about how we human being work on a deep level, about the origin of our physical and psychological symptoms and suffering. The case I […]

Cases & Testimonials


A gentleman came for a second appointment with me today, 15 days after the first one. With only this one session he went back to sleeping better again (after months of difficult sleep), he lost the need to wear the oxygen mask that the doctor had prescribed him, he didn’t have those attacks of shortness […]

Therapy & Healing

Some More Venting.

Well, as I’ve already started, I might as well continue. Every day, over the years, I often thought of sharing what happened during the sessions of the day in my office: “I have to write about this when I get home! It’s incredible!” But then I lost enthusiasm; the nagging inner voice in my head […]

Therapy & Healing

Where should I start…

This is a little strange: I have so much to say, I like to write and to share, and yet I haven’t really started yet. I seem to be afraid, I run away from it. Why? I’m not sure, but the “program” in my head says something like this: “it’s not worth it, no one […]

Cases & Testimonials

The Space Rocket of Health

Recently, a patient of mine, after experiencing the incredible relief from his terrible and “disabiling” chronic pains on his back, that he continued to have even after YEARS of various therapies and fruitless treatments (a common occurrence in my office) said: “well, we know more Mars than these therapies!”. He is right. Billions are spent […]

Cases & Testimonials

Erasing Chronic Pain Over The Telephone

I have a client who lives in France. He suffers from chronic pain and doctors told him that he had an “incurable chronic disease”, a condition that only tended to get worse over time, even though he was still very young. It was the nature of the disease, experts said, and this explained the pain […]

Cases & Testimonials

Everyday Miracles

Imagine a woman came into your office complaining of pain on her lower back, hip and left thigh (…or on a knee, or on the back, on the neck, head, arm, or tightness on the chest, or suffering from depression, or mourning, or some other trauma, etc., – all cases I get). This lady’s story […]